Training the talent of the future through Virtual Reality!

Person in a VR headset doing a saw simulation
Person in a Virtual Reality Headset doing a simulation
Person in a Virtual Reality Headset doing a simulation

Help shape the workforce of the future and gain access to trained workers who have the skills you want and are ready to start day one.

Train new workers without having to use costly real-world facilities and improve workforce retention by upskilling your current staff. Build the future of your industry while providing great new opportunities for all!

Our virtual reality simulations offer customized hand-on experiences that help to train job seekers at any experience level. Users progress at their own pace through a training curriculum built on experiences from real-world experts in a variety of fields.

Demand for talent is growing in industries like manufacturing, transportation, construction, and the skilled trades - professions that can often lead to long-term economic and career stability. However, job seekers often lack awareness of the education or training options they need to get started. Our Virtual Reality program is an example of how we can pair innovative technologies with our existing workforce resources to help more job seekers prepare for new career horizons - and meet the skilled workforce needs of employers.

We train people for well-paying careers available now in high-demand fields, enabling learners to find job security and upward mobility, facilitated by immersive, hands-on Virtual Reality training.

We bring the training facility to you! Contact us to learn more about the Virtual Reality options available in Mississippi Valley!

Career Exploration

Career Exploration takes place in a virtual environment that helps job seekers understand their career options and get started on a path to choosing the right job for them.


Unique Users in Program Year 2022


Simulations Completed in Program Year 2022

Virtual Training Facility

In the Virtual Training Facility, trainees master real skills needed to get hired for well-paying jobs in a safe, supportive setting, under the expert guidance of our digital coach.


Students in Program Year 2022


Simulations Completed in Program Year 2022


Simulations Mastered in Program Year 2022

Explore Our Simulations!

Hospitality Simulation
Healthcare Clinic Simulation
Aviation Maintenance Simulation
Diesel Technician Simulation
Electrical Construction Simulation
Blueprint Reading Simulation
Culinary Simulation

And More!

TRANSFR Product Overview

Playlist of various videos showing TRANSFR specific content related to Plant Safety, Career Exploration, Paint Robotics, Precision Measurement, Intelligent Coaching, Soft Skills, and Automotive Fundamentals.

TRANSFR Simulation Samples

Playlist of various TRANSFR simulations that illustrate the content within the Virtual Reality headsets.

TRANSFR Trainee Experience

Learn how students and trainees are using Virtual Reality to enhance their learning.

TRANSFR Overview

Introduction to TRANSFR and the Career Exploration and Virtual Training Facilities.